
Kommunal klimarapportering av utslipp fra avfallsforbrenning


The global effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can also be seen at the municipal level.
Norwegian municipalities are actively working to reduce their own climate footprint and develop policies to
stimulate to more sustainable practices across sectors within their territory. Getting an overview and
creating awareness of the climate footprint of the activities taking place in the municipality can be an
important part of this work. One important source of GHG emissions is waste incineration. Due to
economies of scale, a limited number of plants incinerate most of the waste in Norway and the emissions
from waste incineration is therefore concentrated on a few municipalities. In this report, the current
practice when it comes to GHG emission reporting for several Norwegian municipalities is described and
potential ways of reporting the waste-related GHG emissions are discussed. The consequences of
reporting emissions from waste incineration at Returkraft’s plant in Kristiansand both based on where the
emissions geographically take place and based on where the waste was generated is illustrated.

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februar 2020




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